My Apprenticeship

My Apprenticeship
The Apprentices

Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Its been a while!

It has been a while since I last posted on here, so I will update you in the next two blogs over what has happened since the end of August.

When I last posted, I was in my three month placement on the Investment Management Systems team, identifying issues that users of the applications are having, recreating the issue and logging the problem with the software supplier. Once it had been fixed by the supplier I would then test it to make sure the issue didn’t occur again.

I have since then finished the placement, and at the beginning of October I went back on to the Network and Infrastructure team. This is the team that I will be spending the remainder of my apprenticeship with. Since I have been on the team I have been getting more involved with what they do. For example in December I was able to go to the London office and get involved with upgrading the existing Wifi network that was in place as the old one wasn’t able to handle to amount of devices that were connecting to it so we upgraded to a new solution and since then we haven’t had any issues.

I am glad to be back on the team as it is an interesting area of IT to be involved in as there are many different routes you can go down in the network field of IT, for example security, voice over IP, wireless and data centre’s, just a number of things you can end up choosing to specialise in!

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